The world is starting to turn again. Below is what you can expect from the town of Ketchum as we enter Phase2.
Things that can now happen in Stage 2. Restaurants are now able to open up, as are hair salons, gyms and recreational facilities. Various operating protocols have been published. Public gatherings of less than 10 people are permitted.
Things that still cannot happen. Under the state order, visits to senior living facilities are prohibited while bars remain closed. Bars are now permitted to open in Stage 3. Stage 3 is anticipated to start on May 30. Travel remains limited to essential travel, and the requirement to self-quarantine for 14 days now applies to people coming into the state from hot spots - places with community spread.
More room for dining, less room for cars. We are proposing eliminating parking spots outside restaurants to provide for more space for outdoor dining. With the summer heading this way, we want to create more safe dining options. If we were to do so, we would effectively be using public land for private benefit so we will need to have council approval for this initiative.
Budget concerns as economy takes a hit. We are anticipating significant revenue shortfalls of up to $1 million from both a reduction in the local option tax and state sales tax. This will affect the remainder of the current fiscal year and our revenue forecast for next year. We will be taking actions to reduce our spending for the remainder of the year. These actions will be discussed at the council meeting and include elimination of discretionary spending, deferral of capital projects and reductions in spending on art, flowers, park upgrades, etc.
Events this year will be limited - think Wagon Days light. City-led events will be limited this year. Due to restrictions on public gatherings, and to help manage our expenses, we will be reducing our spend on events. This year we will cancel Ketchum Alive, Jazz in the Park and many small events in Town Square. Wagon Days will be significantly reduced featuring only the Big Hitch to preserve the tradition. However, we think this a great time to close the streets and encourage everyone to bring a picnic into town. A Wagon Days tailgate of sorts could be good for the budget and good for the soul!
Shout out to our students. This has been a challenging end to the school year. A round of applause to all the children in our valley for making it though these last few weeks, and congratulations to those graduating high school and those moving up to middle and upper schools. Thanks for keeping a smile on your face; the community wishes you all the best for the years ahead.